Hooray, my article is finally out on the Gadfly's website! If you open the PDF, it's pages 8-11, photographs provided by both yours truly and the lovely Jess. I was very proud of it originally, but, as often the case, things like these go through several stages of hardcore editing, often under dubious superstition (the Gadfly isn't the New Yorker, after all). So at a certain time in the editing process I gave up on retaining any element of the original. So it goes. Check it out!
Full magazine PDF:
I also illustrated the "To Delight in Disorder Only" article, but those are only quick drawings.
By the way, one good thing that came out of the whole procedure: Shana, the editor-in-chief, and Mara, a layout editor, became inspired by my article and photos and decided to make some graffiti of their own! The photos on the cover and back cover are bona fide graffiti in an *undisclosed* location on Columbia's campus-- the "gadfly" that is the logo of the magazine. Old-style stencil and spray paint. Which I think is pretty damn cool.
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