Newsreel Translation
Key: Bolded words are written out on the screen; all other words are spoken.
0:00-0:03 “Artists of the Capital City-Red Army.” Cinematographer: B. Makaseiev*
*last letter is cut off, says “Makaseie” on screen but probably should be “Makaseiev” since Boris Makaseiev was a famous documentary cinematographer at that time
0:07-0:12 The Studio of Moscow Artists prepares new TASS Windows
0:20-0:25 The artist Sokolov-Skalia creates a poster about the two Battles of Borodino
0:37-0:44 The subject of artist Aivazian’s poster is the victory in Moscow’s surrounding area
0:55-1:02 The artists will take their new work to the Front as a present to Red Army soldiers
1:03-1:09: Smashing satire – on the enemy!
1:10-1:21 Following the example of Poet Vladimir Mayakovsky's infamous ROSTA Windows, the Moscow poets and artists of the Great Patriotic War create TASS Windows.
1:22-1:28 During the Civil War a new style was born of precise and crushing caricatures and formidable, apt poetry.
1:29-1:36 TASS Windows, falling into the category of war posters and pictures, are as sharp as bayonets.
1:37-1:41 (reading the Alphabet poster aloud) Shchorse** beat the Germans in the Ukraine, they won't be spared, not even now!
**last name of famous Red Army general from the Civil War
(end reading the posters aloud)
1:50-1:59 Yet another instalment: the artist Savitsky finishes up a painting representing the daring attack of the Red Soldier-Horsemen on the fascist hordes
2:00-2:06 The artist Goriaev threw his poster-bayonets to create a caricature of the bandit and cannibal- Hitler!
(Художник Горяев плакатнaми штыками набрoсал карикатуру на опера бандита и людоеда Гитлера!)
2:10-2:16 The talented group of friends, famous by the name Kukriniksy, the artists Kuprianov,
2:16-2:18 Krylov,
2:19-2:21 Sokolov
2:27-2:34 With the sharp sting of their caricatures, they are helping to annihilate the enemies of our motherland.
2:50-2:52 (reading the poster aloud) The Fuhrer is getting ready for a long journey
2:52-2:54 To pin a cross onto his chest
2:54-2:56 But only one is yet unseemly
2:57-3:00 He'll get a cross from us as well!
3:01-3:04 The fascist operations… with vodka
(end reading posters aloud)
3:05-3:12 The Soviet people have already begun to love the TASS Windows, which mirror their deadly hatred of fascism.
3:13 Artists! Poets! Craftsmen! Sharpen your battle weapons for the complete destruction and annihilation of the enemy!
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